Random Thoughts of An Ordinary Guy


Saturday, 14 May 2016

Let it Go...

Let go of the past, it is gone,
You can’t change it, how much ever you dwell on.

The more you think, the more it gets to you,
Negative thoughts in your mind begin to accrue.

What will you gain dwelling in the past?
It will tie you up and bring you down fast.
We live in today, why think of yesterday?
So now that you have smoked it, put off the butt in ashtray.

Saying let bygones be bygones, is so true,
So what’s the need to think, rethink and to construe?

Whatever have happened in the past happened for a reason,
That you take lessons from it, remember, his lordship; gives all salvation

Keep faith in Him and He will heal all your wounds,
He can show mercy which has no bounds.

Every day is new day, so start afresh.
Give it time, trust me, you will feel fresh.

Don’t be afraid of this whirlwind, it will subside.
The errors you have made, take it in your stride.

Be thankful to Him for the life He has given you,
It’s time to move on, make the most of it and pursue.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anand Das said...

Thank you...

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