Random Thoughts of An Ordinary Guy


Thursday, 12 May 2016


“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”.
                                                           -Walt Disney

Dreams are like oxygen for the human spirit that keeps us going. A life without dream is a life without purpose that leads nowhere. It’s like being inside a tunnel that is closed at both ends.  
By dreaming I don’t mean the dreams we see at night while sleeping and forget in the morning. Dreams to me are dreams that don’t let you sleep. Dreams are ambitions that you want to achieve in life.
With age our dreams change and it should. A dream could be about our near future or distant. In school, coming first in class or getting a good grade could be a child’s dream, while, during graduation it could be to get a job in your dream company, for some it could be entrepreneurship for some it could be further studies. While, for some it could be pursuing their passion. Whatever it is, you should not compare your dreams/goals with others. It’s not herd race, neither is it a rat race. Your dream is for you and you alone. Others may join you but this path has to be traversed by you.
When you are dreaming, you are setting a goal for yourself. You are seeing yourself in a state that will give you a sense of pride and contentment. You are visualizing yourself as a person that commands respect, love and adulation of other people. You want to see yourself leading an affluent life where you don’t need to bother about the trifle things in life and can focus on greater things.
You should always dare to dream. A person should show the below attributes to realize his dream:
D:  Doggedness
R:  Resolute
E:  Earnestness
A:  Assiduous
M: Motivated

When you dream, however big or small, you need to protect it, nurture it, you need to make sure you are constantly striving to convert that dream into reality. No dream is too big to be achieved if we channel our efforts in the right direction. You need to believe in yourself, that you can achieve it. You should not be afraid of obstacles that come your way in your quest to achieve something meaningful in life. No path to glory is a bed of roses.There is bound to be few failures en route to your success story.

If we check the biography of great people who have achieved big in their life, who have done something good for the world and society, their stories were also about overcoming failures before they got a taste of success.

Like I have said before, everyone should have a dream but we need to persevere till we accomplish our goal.

Success/fruits of hard work and perseverance are of utmost bliss that can last a lifetime.

Dream big and achieve it!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Aro emon likhe jao

Anand Das said...

than you for ur kind words!!!!

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