Random Thoughts of An Ordinary Guy


Wednesday, 19 December 2012

How to change the namespace for a project in Visual Studio 2010

Recently,started with blogging.So,planning to keep log of every new thing that I learn in my endeavour to become a good software engineer :)
In this blog,I describe how to change the namespace for a project.The requirement needed to change the names of projects and maintain consistency throughout the application.It is very simple,just follow the below steps:
  • Right click the project in the solution explorer and rename it (alternately select the project and press F2).
  • Right click the project and select properties.Rename the namespace under the Application tab.
  • Go back to the class file under the project and modify the namespace,once the squiggly red underline is displayed,change to new name.This takes care of all the references.
  • Finally,close the solution, browse to the project folder and modify the name.

Jai Ho Microsoft!!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Quote Of the Day

You don't win till you Win
You never Lose until you Lose